Touchdog launched in 2005 as the first-ever Western-Inspired and most globally recognized premium pet specialty brand that is today sold in retailers in over 50 countries with its roots originating in Southern Asia. Touchdog specializes and is credited in creating, breathing and introducing human Urban-wear fashion to life in the pet industry with their talented creation of Dog Clothing such as Dog Coats and Jackets to Harnesses, Leashes and Collars, featuring the most exquisite Western-Inspired designs and attention to detail from stitch to seam - from Embroidery to Threading, the Touchdog stamp symbolizes more than just a product it symbolizes a cultural change that took place in China from the creation of this brand. Unbeknownst to Leo, the creator of the Touchdog brand it's talented designs had created tremendous demand to dog owners in China whom initially owned dogs as a want for status in China which had then completely evolved to a country that is becoming more heart-felt towards dogs and animals and had completely changed the landscape in China through it's designs to now Dog Adoption awareness. Read below to learn more about TOUCHDOG'S unbelievable story.
Touchdog had originated in the - then Western influenced areas of Southern Asia, by a talented designer by the name of Leo, a former student of Jack Ma's, a teacher at his school and the current founder of Alibaba. Leo would often describe himself as a mischievous student of his whom used to illustrate drawings on his desk. Leo a young and very talented kid, was an aspiring designer who understood the up and coming human fashion and urban-wear trends happening in the United States at the time between 1997 - 2005 known as the birth of the urban-wear brands in the human fashion world, many of which had originated in New York. A dog lover himself and against his fathers wishes to follow in his own footsteps as a hard working and honest factory-worker, he decided to start his own business and his father whom was a retiring wanted a better life for his son and instilled all his faith in Leo by handing him over his entire life savings (which wasn't much but all he had) and glanced at his son and said "I want you to be great and change this country", he took his words to heart and Leo began to harness his creative skills and knowledge of the Western trends to create the world's FIRST true-to-its-roots Western-Inspired lifestyle pet brand that is more fashion-forward, authentic and true as compared to the short-lived pet brands in the Western-world. With hard-work and creativity the Touchdog brand grew and flourished and today Leo's designs still continues to inspire and motivate every designer in the pet space throughout the globe and it's brand influence continues to spread and is sold in massive retailers in countries throughout Asia, Europe, Australia and North America, and regardless of what may sprout from his inspirations, Touchdog has and always will remain as the brand "often imitated, but never duplicated". Joseph Braha a native of New York and the current CEO of Pet Life had lived through, worked for many of these Urban-wear brands prior to Pet Life's birth in 2007, and understood the direction Touchdog was heading in and had partnered with Touchdog in North America simply through Leo's brand direction and scope of talent and it was a perfect match. Touchdog is more than just a name it's a Global Statement and a Lifestyle. Leo's recognition in his native country continues to grow as his influence through fashion gave birth and opened an entire continent to dog adoption awareness that would have otherwise never existed in a country where pet abuse and pet consumption was taking place, he completely helped change the landscape in China by bringing more love to animals through his talented designs. In 2008 he launched another western-outdoorsy inspired lifestyle brand called Dog Helios that also grew to unprecedented heights (Click Here to learn more) . As Leo would say his inspiration came from his father who passed away in 2016 who took a chance with his son and instilled a great leap of faith in Leo who had lived up to his fathers words and had changed his countries landscape. Touchdog will always be true to it's values and a value can never be imitated. Touchdog is credited to the countless animal lives that have been saved, adored and adopted in China and Touchdog will always be known as the face of that change. This is truly an amazing story we hope you can share.

Touchdog is based out of Gaungzhou China with offices in the United States, Asia and Europe. Additionally Touchdog has 4 Distribution facilities based out of Edison, New Jersey through it's North American partnership with Pet Life (Click Here to read Pet Life's Story). We carry a large team of designers and Quality control engineers based in the U.S. and China and every piece is designed with the most stringent quality control standards. Every Embroidered stitch, all the fabric we use is designer picked and stitched using the most state-of-the-art fabrics and facilities. To learn more about our North American operations please visit us on the web at www.petlifecentral.com

We strive on not just growing our operations but helping to continuously fight causes related to animal cruelty and adoption awareness through our designs.
We're putting our first step forward and we'll continue to do what we love but we need everyone's help. Help spark this revolution in China and throughout North America. Together we can all make a difference and every day we're seeing an end to violence. Our messaging is never-ending and we will continue to spread our cause through our designs.